McDonald's Corp.

"McDonald's Corp., a company based in the USA, has set a net zero target for 2050. Net Zero Tracker
This commitment was made as part of their participation in the United Nations Race to Zero campaign in 2021. Net Zero Tracker
Additionally, they have an interim target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions related to their restaurants and offices by 36% from 2015 levels by 2030. Net Zero Tracker
An interesting aspect of their environmental policy is their support for deforestation-free supply chains and promotion of forests as a climate solution, which is integral to their business strategy. Net Zero Tracker …"

Current Score (vs. LY)

43.5 pts (2.5)

Last Update: Dec. 12, 2023

Current Rankings

Global: #90

S&P100: #63

Consumer Discretionary: #11


Quality of climate reporting based on public disclosures, completeness and verification of GHG emissions


Level of ambition through gross absolute emissions reduction and 'net zero' targets


Results and actions to deliver on commitments for real

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Last 3 Years Emissions Data Summary

Scope 1 113,28697,398107,034
Scope 2 - location-based 521,720473,728569,598
Scope 2 - market-based 469,236431,395492,114
Scope 1-2 - location-based 635,006571,126676,632
Scope 1-2 - market-based 582,522 528,793 599,148
Scope 3 56,803,95853,195,1800
Total - location-based 57,438,96453,766,306676,632
Total - market-based 55,555,985 50,972,125 599,148

Note: Data sources detailed here

Y2022 Y2021
Total CO2e estimate (by Net0Tracker) 11,227,02855,555,985
Methodology Pre-calculated sector intensity (revenue)As reported

Carbon emissions are estimated according to comparable years, intensity and sector benchmarks

Performance vs. Target

Note: Targets without baseline are ignored. In case several targets exist, only the shorter-term target is displayed.

Value Chain (scope 3) Emissions by Category

Emissions Trajectory (Full Scopes)

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Despite our best efforts to report accurate data based on publicly-available information, some data may be wrong, inaccurate or outdated. If it is the case, please reach out and report the issues. Email

Sector Benchmark

Note: Latest GHG and revenue data (based on are used to calculate GHG emissions intensity by sector. The color scale of each bubble depends on the GHG intensity (GHG emissions per 1 million USD revenue). Sectors follow the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) that organize companies based on their primary business activities. The 11 sectors are : Information Technology, Health Care, Financials, Consumer Discretionary, Communication Services, Industrials, Consumer Staples, Energy, Utilities, Real Estate, and Materials.

McDonald's Corp. belongs to the sector Consumer Discretionary.

Despite our best efforts to report accurate data based on publicly-available information, some data may be wrong, inaccurate or outdated. If it is the case, please reach out and report the issues. Email

Reduction and Net Zero Targets

>Note: intensity targets are not represented in the current version - see Methodology

Gross Absolute Emission Reductions

Scope Reduction Objectives Base Year Target Year Comments
S1S2S3MKT 36.0 2015 2030 Note that all the scope 3 emissions categories are not fully covered
S1S2MKT 36.0 2015 2030

Net Absolute Emission Reductions

There is no absolute emission reduction recorded in our database. Email us to report missing information Email

Net Zero Future Commitments

Scope Scope 3 Coverage Target Year Comments

Science-based Targets (SBTI)

Date Published / Updated :01/12/2023

Near-term Long-Term Net Zero Standard
Targets Set : 1.5°C by 2030 Targets Set : 1.5°C by 2050 Yes by 2050
McDonald's Corp. is a member of the Business Ambition for 1.5 campaign (link here )

Overall Net-Zero Target
McDonald’s Corporation commits to reach net-zero GHG emissions across the value chain
by 2050.
Near-Term Targets
Energy and industrial: McDonald’s Corporation commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2
GHG emissions 50.4% by 2030 from a 2018 base year. McDonald’s Corporation also commits
to reduce absolute scope 3 energy and industrial GHG emissions from purchased goods and
services, fuel and energy related activities, upstream transportation and distribution, waste
generated in operations, end-of-life treatment of sold products, and franchises 50.4% within
the same timeframe.
FLAG: McDonald’s Corporation commits to reduce absolute scope 3 FLAG GHG emissions 16%
by 2030 from a 2018 base year.* McDonald’s Corporation also commits to maintain no
deforestation across its primary deforestation-linked commodities.
Long-Term Targets
Energy and industrial: McDonald’s Corporation commits to reduce absolute scope 1, 2, and
energy and industrial scope 3 GHG emissions 90% by 2050 from a 2018 base year.
FLAG: McDonald’s Corporation also commits to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions 72%
by 2050 from a 2018 base year.*
*Target includes FLAG emissions and removals.

Data source: SBTI

Despite our best efforts to report accurate data based on publicly-available information, some data may be wrong, inaccurate or outdated. If it is the case, please reach out and report the issues. Email


Last update for McDonald's by Sept. 4, 2024
Planning to use external offset credits Not Specified
Separate targets for emission reductions and removals No
Conditions on use of offset credits None
Plans for carbon dioxide removal (CDR) Yes (nature-based removals e.g. Forestation, soil carbon enhancement)

Additional notes: Nature-based: 'We support deforestation-free supply chains, and we see promoting forests as a climate solution not just as our responsibility, but as core to our business.' (p10) . In July of 2021, Lopez-Dorada Foods, supply partner of McDonald’s for over 40 years for beef, pork, and chicken, entered into a long-term virtual power purchase agreement (VPPA) for solar power to offset its greenhouse gas emissions.

Data source from - For more information, see methodology

Score Summary

Ref Principle Score
1 At least 2 years of GHG emissions for scope 1 and 2 are publicly-available and externally-verified 5.0 10.0 0.0
2 Scope 3 emissions are fully reported and externally-verified 2.5 10.0 0.0
3 CDP score demonstrates the level of transparent disclosures 6.0 10.0 0.0
Transparency 13.5 30.0 0.0
4 Net Zero Commitments by 2050 include an intermediate target and cover all the emissions 10.0 10.0 0.0
5 Net Zero targets demonstrate a high-level of emergency 0.0 10.0 0.0
6 Emission reduction targets on a forward-looking basis are ambitious 0.0 10.0 0.0
7 Targets are science-based as validated by SBTi 5.0 10.0 0.0
Commitments 15.0 40.0 0.0
8 Results re. operational emissions reduction: on-pace (performance-to-date) and momentum (forward-looking targets) 5.0 10.0 0.0
9 Results re. value chain emissions reduction: on-pace (performance-to-date) and momentum (forward-looking targets) 0.0 10.0 0.0
10 Implied Temperature Rating by MSCi 10.0 10.0 2.5
Results 15.0 30.0 2.5
Total 43.5 100.0 2.5

Despite our best efforts to report accurate data based on publicly-available information, some data may be wrong, inaccurate or outdated. If it is the case, please reach out and report the issues. Email

Score Details

Criteria Results 2023 Score 2022 Score Vs. 2022 2021 Score
Criteria 1 : Transparency on operational emissions (Scope 1 + 2)
Are S1+S2 figures publicly-disclosed for the last reporting year and the preceding period? yes 5.0 / 5.0 5.0 0.0 5.0
Are S1+S2 figures verified by a 3rd-party for the last reporting year? NC 0.0/ 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Criteria 2 : Transparency on value chain emissions (Scope 3)
Are the 15 categories fully or partly disclosed? partly 2.5 / 5.0 2.5 0.0 5.0
Are S3 figures fully or partly verified by a 3rd-party for the last reporting year? NC 0.0 / 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Criteria 3 : Quality and Frequency of reporting
What is the latest CDP score (no later than the preceding year)? C 6.0 / 10.0 6.0 0.0 6.0
How many interim reporting were provided between 2 reporting periods (GHG emissions only)?
Criteria 4 : Net Zero Commitments
Does the net 0 target include a statement of a generally-accepted net zero emission target by 2050? yes 3.0 / 3.0 3.0 0.0 3.0
Does the net zero target include an intermediate target by 2030? 2030 3.0 / 3.0 3.0 0.0 3.0
Does the net zero target include all the emissions? yes 4.0 / 4.0 4.0 0.0 4.0
Criteria 5 : Target year for Net Zero Commitments
Target year for achieving net zero emissions for S1+S2? 2050 0.0 / 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Target year for achieving net zero emissions for S1+S2+S3 combined? 2050 0.0 / 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Criteria 6 : Reduction objectives
What is the forward-looking GHG% reduction (without compensation) for scope 1+2? -6.7
0.0 / 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
What is the forward-looking GHG% reduction (without compensation) for scope 1+2+3?
No target found
0.0 / 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Criteria 7 : Science-Based Targets
What type of science-based target (as validated by SBTi) did the company commit to? Targets Set 2°C 5.0 / 10.0 5.0 0.0 5.0
Criteria 8 : Results based on scope 1 - 2
Performance to date: cumulative% reduction vs. target Objective (in %): 14.4
Actual (in %): 60.1
5.0 / 5.0 5.0 0.0 5.0
Momentum: last year % reduction vs. forward-looking target Objective (in %):
Actual (in %):
Forward-looking reduction could not be calculated
0.0 / 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Criteria 9 : Results based on scope 1 - 2 - 3
Performance to date: cumulative% reduction vs. target Objective (in %):
Actual (in %):
No target found
0.0 / 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Momentum: last year % reduction vs. forward-looking target Objective (in %):
Actual (in %):
No target found
0.0 / 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Criteria 10 : Implied Temperature Rise (ITR)
Is the company aligned with global climate targets? ITR: 1.4°C 10.0 / 10.0 7.5 2.5 7.5
Total 43.5 / 100.0 41.0 2.5 43.5

Available Data Sources

Reporting Year 2021 2021 2020 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 2019 2019 2018 2018 2018
Source NZPDU Public CDP NZPDU Public Yourstake CDP Public CDP NZPDU Public CDP NZPDU
Publication Year 2022 2022 2021 2021 2022 2022 2021 2021 2020 2020 2021 2020 2019
Scope 1 113,286 113,286 97,398 97,349 97,398 97,398 107,034 107,035 107,035 103,530 111,499 111,499 114,307
Scope 2 - location-based 521,720 NA 473,728 474,170 NA 473,728 569,598 0 569,598 511,444 0 563,038 565,195
Scope 2 - market-based 469,236 469,236 431,395 430,403 431,395 431,395 492,114 492,114 492,114 445,172 491,053 491,053 492,549
Scope 1-2 - location-based 635,006 113,286 571,126 571,519 97,398 571,126 676,632 107,035 676,633 614,974 111,499 674,537 679,502
Scope 1-2 - market-based 582,522 582,522 528,793 527,752 528,793 528,793 599,148 599,149 599,149 548,702 602,552 602,552 606,856
Scope 3 56,803,958 56,803,958 53,195,180 52,933,295 53,704,901 53,195,180 0 0 52,955,643 56,294,107 0 0 12,308,421
Total - location-based 57,438,964 56,917,244 53,766,306 53,504,814 53,802,299 53,766,306 676,632 107,035 53,632,276 56,909,081 111,499 674,537 12,987,923
Total - market-based 55,555,985 57,386,480 50,972,125 51,248,629 54,233,694 53,723,973 599,148 599,149 51,195,999 54,648,554 602,552 602,552 9,235,576


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Despite our best efforts to report accurate data based on publicly-available information, some data may be wrong, inaccurate or outdated. If it is the case, please reach out and report the issues. Email